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We need your help!

While some funds are raised from event registrations and admissions, they only cover a fraction of our costs. We depend on individual donations to ensure our instructors and performers are fairly compensated, and to cover miscellaneous expenses and administrative costs.

Donors of $100 or more will be acknowledged in our Program Guide under the following contribution levels: 

Chieftain Level: $1,000 or more

Goes towards compensating our amazing staff of performers and teachers coming from around the U.S.

Performer Level: $500-$999

Covers airfare for an out of town musician

Ceili Level: $250-$499

Goes towards compensating our exceptional local performers and session leaders at Trad Fest

Session Level: $101 - $249

Covers a staff meal

Fan Level: up to $100

Supports administrative costs, website maintenance and marketing

Donate Now

Help us keep the Festival going...

Thank you for supporting live music & education!!

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